The Knitting Corner

Every Thursday evening from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Kennedy Center (34 West 134 St), women and children of all ages from the community, come together where they can learn the skill of knitting and crocheting, and develop the art of creating fabric from yarn. We engage in great conversation and bonding with women in the community.  Research has shown that knitting & crocheting can be very therapeutic.  In addition to improving social skills, our Seasoned Sisters from the community who participate in the weekly gathering report many health benefits from relief from stress and depression, decreased anxiety, and improved mental awareness among many other healthful things.

The celebrated news of a grant reward from The Pollination Project featured the Knitting & Crochet Corner as one of its recipients in an article in the Huffington Post in May of 2015. Read more here!

If you are interested in joining The Knitting Club, please fill out the form below.