Urban Sisters (US) Mentoring Program launched in October 2009, is a program designated to providing underprivileged children of the community with an opportunity to attend Camp Olmsted on Cornwall-On-Hudson, New York, operated by the Five Points Mission, a Methodist organization. The girls, aged from 6 to 14, will receive a full scholarship for a two week summer experience that will include transportation, lodging, meals and all activities. These activities will help the girls in creating purposeful relationships, building character and self-esteem to enhance their personal growth and development. Children must be respectful of authority for acceptance into the program. Other eligibility requirements include good grades, and a written letter of recommendation from a community leader such as a teacher, pastor or other responsible representatives.
Our commitment to inspire, motivate and empower young girls to achieve their ultimate potential in the United States, has now spanned across the world where we “educate to empower” young girls at the Bushikori Christian Centre in Mbale, Uganda, on the Continent of East Africa.
If you have age appropriate girls interested in participating in our Urban Sisters two week camp experience please call 917.668.4284 or send a written request to Sister to Sister, P.O. Box 260, New York, New York 10037.